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Thursday, 24 January 2008

20 Good Reasons - Thirsty Merc

While it's easy to get caught up in the doom and gloom, we must remember that the sword swings both ways. An ability to view obstacles as opportunities is the hallmark of human spirit and silver linings exist in this economic twist. The credit crunch is more pervasive than the dot.com and real estate crazes, but we've been there and done that on both sides of the bubbles.

As the only difference between mistakes and lessons are an ability to learn from them, we would be wise to recall the past as we cast an eye towards the future. It will be a long hard road and as with any journey, it will be ripe with uphill climbs. But as always, the path that we take to get there is entirely more important than the destination we arrive at.

It could be worse!

The world is tough and the market is frustrating. That much we know and with each step we learn. With time comes experience, however, and quite hopefully, balance.
It should never take something bad to make us realize we've got it good. As the greatest wisdom is bred as a function of pain, perspective is important.

Minyanville's elder statesman Charlie Mangano said to me yesterday, "I've been around the block. In the early '70s, Wall Street was over. In the late '80s, the market was dead. In the '90s, we caught the Asian flu. We've been through worse and we'll get through this."

Smart words by a sage man and I wanted to pass them along. No, it's not going to be easy but nobody said it would be. We've got a long journey ahead, fraught with risk and littered with reality, but it's the path we've chosen. We indeed live in interesting times.

Would you have it any other way?

Excerpts from Todd Harrison's Five Reasons For Optimism(marketwatch)
The Article

8 comments: on "20 Good Reasons - Thirsty Merc"

Nessie said...

hahaha ur previous post is the longest you've EVER writen. Syabas! :p

The song on ur blog is not one bit amusing. It is rather irritating.. take it offf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha
do as u please ragamuffin.
And i will not buy that cd even after ur review. I hate rock.
Muchos love! :) hehehe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

TY said...

Are you saying I'm not capable of writing long, boring stuffs?

Anyway, you don't like it but you read the whole review anyway?
Hah!I never thought more than 2 people would read it. Now that you have and I, myself have/had(?brain not working, but it never does), we only need 1 more.

(I'm quite sure it's have, heehee.)

Nessie said...

YOU ARE! but this post wasn't in the vicinity of boring though... hmmm... :)
3s a crowd. But im sure people do read once in a while. I mean u didnt just review the album... You reviewed each song! Heard of the band Second hand serenade?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its really good. xxxx

TY said...

Yeah I heard of him.
Listened to him once and it never made my winamp playlist ever again. Too boring.

You like those really vocally stuffs. I like a balance of vocals and music(instruments). His songs heavily rely on vocals, not my type.

I really like The Panics. Really good Perth band. The song on my page is by them.

Nessie said...

hahaha .. thats probably true. The music the song makes is just so much noise u can't actually hear the lyrics, ya know?

bah.. I'll try listening to ur silly music.
Btw. Jimmy says he wants a boomerang.
waste of money. haha xxxxxxxx

TY said...

Noise?It's music.
Either way, I can hear every bit of the lyrics properly, you have hearing problem. Are we talking about the same song?

The songs are relatively a lot more mellow than what I used to listen to. Lately my taste has been these slower songs. Don't know why the change but perhaps it'll go back to heavy stuffs in the future.

Is Jimmy serious?I don't know if I have the time to go get it though haha, but I can get one for him the next time I get back, which should be pretty soon.

You know secondhand serenade always gives me the feeling of "it's gonna be good" but it never gets good. It's like it has the quality to progress into a good song but it doesn't, so only the first 30secs is nice then it gets boring. Haha. Feels like I'm writing another review.

Alright, cya soon.

Nessie said...

haha its like MSN here :)

screw jimmy la. he's changed his number to celcom.
haha aNOTHER REASON not to call him ;)

slower songs maybe because ur EMO

hey check this site out:


she wrote about emo stuff :)

I only heard ONE song from second hand serenade. Im still a backstreetboy&n*sync chick. ;p

vanessa x

TY said...

But the songs aren't necessarily sad, they're just...slow. I dunno. Luckily, when a good loud song comes along I still enjoy it, so I'm not insane, yet.