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Friday, 17 July 2009

Love Me Two Times

I am madly in love with books.

One more week of holiday for me. I've been reading a fair bit during this holiday and I'm more in love with literature than I've ever been. Ironically, the more I read the longer my "to-read list" gets. I am rather picky with the books I read but somehow there are still so many books that seem to fit my taste. For example, I'm not a fan of fantasy, so Harry, Frodo and Stephanie Meyer aren't my type. (Kristen Stewart is though). I don't read most motivational/inspirational books either. Only a few really good ones. Neither Jeffrey Archer or Dan Brown type novels.

I love Penguin Classics though. And that alone perhaps has way too many for my own good. I recently had my first taste of Dostoevsky too. His short stories. He is awesome! I'm currently in the midst of Notes From the Underground, one of his most acclaimed works.
I'm also reading my second J.D. Salinger, Franny and Zooey. So far, it is as good as Catcher in The Rye, except it seems to have quite a few grammatical errors and that gets on my nerve, especially when it's from such a famous author.

And of cause, I love satires. My favourite genre.
Here's my Goodreads. Come talk to me if we have the same taste. I love talking literature.


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