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Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Someone's Looking At You

My English isn't flawless. Far from it. But I try my best and I'm still learning. However, terrible English hurts my head. When I come across a badly written news article, or a badly written article of any sort, it is highly likely I'll give up, however interesting the article would have seem. One or two mistakes are fine, we're only human, but needing to re-read every second sentence just to understand what it means severely hurts my head. Would it kill to re-read what you wrote before submitting/publishing it?

On the other hand, I detest those who tell others to "learn the language" when they themselves do not seem to know the difference between "it's" and "its". Please "learn the language" yourself first before telling others to do so. Or else, you'll be entertainment to many. Me especially.


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