I loathe ignorance, but not ignorance in those who realise their ignorance. After all, in the words of Louis L'Armour "Only one who has learned much can fully appreciate his ignorance."
It is those who think they are "well-read" when in fact they aren't that gets on my nerves. Shoot them.
In similar veins, my "to-read list" now features over 350 books, and I don't even list more than 1 book by the same author. I finish one first and upon finishing, if I decide to further pursue books by the same author, only will I replaced the read book with the "next book I'd like to read by this author."
At my current reading rate of 1 book a week, the list grows faster than it shrinks.
On the issue of reading, learning and ignorance, here's a quote by one of my favourite author, Douglas Adams.
"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
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