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Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Heal The World

I am not a part of Generation X. I am a part Generation Y. Hence Michael Jackson wasn't exactly a staple of my generation. But which kid who grew up in the 90s and 00s and had access to TV and the internet would never have heard of Michael Jackson, the Moonwalk, or seen the music video of Thriller? He isn't the main course in my childhood culture but he certainly was there. Ever present. Kids in school imitated his dance moves, his music would come on the radio and, who could've missed the allegations against him, not once, but twice?

But there was something more important, something worth more publicity, about Michael Jackson, that many never knew. His altruism. If altruism exist, it was Michael Jackson.

It wasn't until the events of late stirred me to read up about Michael Jackson that I discovered this charitable side of him.He had done so much for the greater good of humanity that I don't know where to start.

Firstly, his music. Humanity and human suffering have constantly been a prominent feature of his music. How many pop stars sing about the state of the world more than they do love songs that rarely mean anything? His efforts in the production of We Are The World had a profound impact in promoting awareness, perhaps rivaled only by Bob Geldof's Do They Know It's Christmas. Man In the Mirror, Heal The World and Beat It were all inspirational.

Secondly, his charitable donations. Michael Jackson was inducted into the Guiness Book of World Record in 2000 for the "most charities supported by a pop star". How many can claim that accolade? Only one. Many of those charities were at the verge of collapsing when he helped them. On top of that, in 1992, despite allegations against him, he staged the Dangerous World Tour, where all profits from the tour were donated to charity. All. He played 69 shows around the world, often requiring painkillers to get through them, all for charity. How many pop stars have done that? More importantly, how many will? I hope more will be inspired by him to do so.

Additionally, he founded the Heal The World Foundation. His aim was to heal the world, one person at a time. Needless to say, the 2003 allegations against him caused the foundation to take beating. It lost its tax exempt status, and its operations grind to a halt. However, as of 2008, the foundation has undergone restructuring and is now back. Jackson's untimely death would no doubt be a bump in the foundation's road to recovery, but let's hope it can continue his legacy.

Besides that, he has done numerous other good deeds. He often voiced out on issues concerning humanity, he bridged racial barriers, he visited hospitals and underprivileged homes. He truly gave humanity all he had.

Here is one man. Perhaps the greatest entertainer ever lived. He loved performing. Not for the money, but for the fans. A dancer and a musician whose talents are almost unrivaled. Every time he was knocked down, he came back up. The This Is It tour was to be yet another evidence of that. But above all, one man who gave everything he had for humanity. A man who had a dream, a dream to Heal The World. The world did not only lose the greatest pop star ever, but lost one of the greatest humanitarian to have graced the earth. Here's to hoping his legacy carries on. Let's start with the Man In The Mirror.


As an aside, I thought the memorial yesterday was a very fitting farewell. Perhaps the most apt among the words by friends and families were those of Sharpton, to Jackson's kids.
"There were nothing strange about your daddy, it was strangeness that your daddy had to deal with, but he dealt with it."

2 comments: on "Heal The World"

Jimmy Ng said...

Couldn't agree more, TY. It is a shame that many did not appreciate what he had done while he was alive. Good post! Why didn't you mention more about his beliefs and views and how you think they are relevant?

TY said...

Ah, probably should have, but I got progressively lazier nearing the end. Haha.