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Monday, 7 September 2009

Down Boy

Trapped girls raised alarm on Facebook

I am lost for words. The internet generation is indeed disturbing.


5 comments: on "Down Boy"

seeki said...

It's all over the radio today, hhaa.

TY said...

I think if people were allowed internet in exams, they'd post it on their facebook status before asking Dr. Google for answers.

seeki said...

You've tweeted this before, haven't you? Don't be a lemur repeat it =p

TY said...

You actually remember all the tweets?
Who's the loser here?
Remember not to call for emergency help on Twitter. I don't check it every minute k. Maybe your bff does though.

seeki said...

I'm gifted, in the sense that I can remember things very well. It's a curse. U're still the loser regardless. I didn't ask you for your rescue, I know what a phone is for =p