I just read Louis L'Amour's autobiography, Education of a Wandering Man(alright, I didn't finish it). Anyway, here are some quotes I find interesting and one day, would like to revisit them.
From the introduction by Daniel Boorstin:
"We are often told we are what we eat. In our world since the printing press it might be more accurate to say we are what we read."
And from the book:
"The idea of education has been so tied to schools, universities, professors that many assume there is no other way, but education is available to anyone within reach of a library, a post office, or even a newsstand."
"Often I hear people say they do not have time to read. That's absolute nonsense. In one year, I read twenty-five books while waiting for people."
One may say, if you are waiting for me, that would easily be more.
"What is comfort to some is cruel hardship to others."
"We do not at present educate people to think but, rather, to have opinions."
"Adventure is nothing but a romantic name for trouble."
"Only one who has learned much can fully appreciate his ignorance."
Finally, to end it all, one from Charles Darwin:
"I discovered, though unconsciously and insensibly, that the pleasure of observing and reasoning was a much higher one than of skill and sport."
Portugal oh, Portugal!
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