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Monday, 21 September 2009


From Fmylife.com

Today, my girlfriend of a year broke up with me because I didn't fight some guy that started hitting her right in front of me... In a dream. She was totally serious. FML

Funniest. Thing. Ever.
This would be one of those times I wouldn't know if to laugh or to cry if it happens to me. Likely the former.


2 comments: on "Lyla"

Jimmy Ng said...

I actually think that it's a good idea to post such things online... to fill our vanity as we can see how ridiculous people can be. More ridiculous and probably doing worse than us.

TY said...

I think some of it are fabrications though. They just seem so unrealistic. Not all, just some. But the one I posted is entirely plausible. I can imagine such girls. Still funny.